Yesterday we visited the Desert Museum which is basically a large zoo. The museum has live flora and fauna native to the Sonoran Desert. This was my second time visiting the Desert Museum, yet I still really enjoyed it. The morning raptor flight was very entertaining and informative.
This afternoon we went to the Arizona State Museum where Dr. Patrick Lyons introduced us to ancient Native American pottery. We were able to enter an old storage area and the impressive new storage vault. It was really exciting to be able to go to these places that very few people get to go and see things up close that very few people get to see. One of my favorite pieces was a collection of blackware which was used by Ansel Adams and his family for many years. I was very interested to hear that just one small "sherd" of pottery can help date a site and place a people at the site.
Kudos to chemists and their use of chemicals to conserve and restore bones, pottery, and other pieces.
I am finally feeling better today!!!
Art and Linda Staubitz arranged for our group to travel with Dr. Lyons (aka Indiana Patrick) to the San Pedro River valley to explore ancient Native American sites. We drove for about two hours out into the desert. Very few people live in the area… ranchers mostly.
The sites were hidden among fields of cholla. The sites were just piles of rock in outlines of where ancient structures once sat. These places were falling apart, because they were never backfilled after excavation. I could still see several pieces of pottery all over the ground... nearly everywhere I walked. It was very exciting to pick up and touch something that was made hundreds of years ago.
I really enjoyed being out in the sun. It was warm and quiet and pleasant... soft breeze, peaceful, sprawling vistas, the occasional bumble of a little bee... beautiful.
We got a flat tire from a big rock. I have pictures of Dr. Arion and Dr. Lyons replacing the tire. It was comical.
Thank you Art and Linda for arranging an amazing day for us!