Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Today started out with a two hour drive through the desert.  The mountains were a sight to see.  They were huge and beautiful to drive through.  Once we got to our destination we went to different ruins and found pottery that was hundreds of years old.  We learned the differences between the pottery and what group of people they belonged to.  On our way out the other car got a flat tire so we had to change the tire.  Once we hit the road for the two hour drive back everyone was pretty tired so we decided to sing every song that was on the radio.  It was pretty fun except Erin didn't know any of the songs so she just got to listen to our beautiful voices.


  1. Yeah, the flat tire was fun, mainly because it wasn't our car and because Adam kept saying one of the cars was going to get a flat. Way to go Adam. Also, Isa was able to hug a cactus when we got the flat. So that was good.
    I think it should be noted that Isa and Joe have the voices of Jesus and Fergie...not to mention Adam has the voice of an angel...or Fergie. As far as the music goes, Dave, Joe and Adam all know the words to a song called 'Love Story' ...Isa and I do not. Something seems wrong about that. But that's just me.
