Tuesday, January 20, 2009

1/19 Kuiper Day 3

It's been a good evening. The sky stayed mostly clear... perhaps clearer than the first night. I got some good data in blue and red of Bernard's Merope Nebula in the Pleiades. I also got to take a shower which was phenom! Later in the evening, I had an opportunity to take more images of the reflection nebula, however; the Pleiades were too far north for the telescope to reach. If I had been able to get telescope time just a half hour earlier, I would have been able to take more data. Phooey. Oh well, DA says that he has something fun for me to take a look at (yes, yes, ending sentence w/ a preposition, my bad).

The somethings fun were two galaxies. M87, the large elliptical in Virgo with the jet, and the Needle galaxy in color. I ran the last two images of the night. It was sad to close her up for the ninth time, knowing that I may never see or use that telescope again. My trips to the Kuiper have all be memorable and exciting. I hope everyone else has been able to appreciate this experience as much as I have.

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